General Brief

School Timings

Monday To Saturday:

School Timing:- III to X :
7:20 A.M. to 1:45 P.M.
Nursery to II :
08.15 A.M. to 12.30 P.M.

Working Days : Monday to Saturday 

Must Read:

The student must be in the school at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time of assembly. 
Children coming late will not be admitted to classes.
Pupils are strictly forbidden to leave the school premises during the school hours without the permission of the Principal.

Aims and Objectives

  • As it is noted above, St. Joseph Convent School aims at the integral development of the child into a “fully human and fully alive” person.
  • The motto of the school inscribed in the emblem Educate -> Motivate -> and Illuminate. Vidya [Knowledge] is divine and salvific in so far as it is for the integral development of the person and the human society as a whole. Education brings the best in him/her. School thus becomes the field where the students try and hear and move ahead so as to finally succeed in life.
  • The end result of the process of education, therefore, is a purified and polished personality for complete living.

In short, the following are the AIMS AND OBJECTIVES of the School:

  • Intellectual Competence:- Our students should exhibit mastery and leadership relative to their age, ability, and the subject of study; acquire intellectual skills and understanding which go beyond the examination requirements. 
  • Moral uprightness:- The student has to discern(recognize), the values that uphold the dignity of the human person from those that degrade and has to assimilate(understand fully) a sound value system. They should also develop moral courage and “fearfulness”, be able to make normal judgments and can translate them into action.
  • To provide a comprehensive education so as to develop in the children a sound character and a balanced personality.
  • To mold the children with a keen sense of discipline, responsibility, initiative, self-reliance, and integrity.
  • To ensure sound physical and intellectual growth.


Everyday attendance is marked in the morning before the teaching starts. As 90% of the attendance is required for promotion, students who come late can lose promotion. Condonation of attendance will be given only to those who secure at least 50% of marks. Attendance on re- opening day after the Summer, Diwali and Christmas Vacations is compulsory.


  1. All the students shall come to the school in full uniform including examination days.
  2. School uniform may not be used in the house. The Uniform must be clean and tidy.

Primary, Upper Primary and High School (I to X)

Girls : Blue full pants and check shirt with Blue Blazer, tie, belt and White socks and black shoe.

Boys : Blue full pants and check shirt with with tie,belt and White socks and Black lace shoe.

P.T. Uniform : Classes I-X

Girls & Boys : Black Track Pants and House wise T-Shirt.

NOTE: School Identity Card is compulsory in all working days.

Discipline Rules For Students

  • All the students shall make themselves acquainted with the rules and regulations notified for their conduct.Ignorance of the rules will not be accepted as an excuse for their violation.
  • Running,playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed.When passing along the corridors during class hours,students shall keep silence.
  • At the first bell the pupils should stand,wherever they are. At the second bell,they should move IN SILENCE to line up in their proper places for the school assembly.
  • Personal cleanliness and hygiene is highly recommended to all. The students should be particularly careful not to throw any papers, waste, etc. anywhere in the school premises. They should use the baskets and bins especially provided for this purpose.
  • Pupils from one class are not allow to visit their friends in any other classrooms during the recess or other periods. Grounds are provided for the same.
  • SILENCE must be observed in the corridors, outside the Principal’s office and the stairs during class hours. There should be NO TALKING at the change of periods.
  • When the students go for assembly, P.T. classes moving along the corridors and when changing classes they must walk in SILENCE.
  • No child will be excused from games and P.T. unless a medical certificate is produced.
  • Pupils are strictly forbidden to write or make any remarks on wall or any part of the school premises or on furniture. Any pupil found guilty of damaging the school property will be suspended and liable to pay for the damages

Must Read:

  • All students must regularly attend school in full School Uniform.
  • All are expected to speak English in the School Premises.
  • Pupils should be docile, punctual, clean, neat and hardworking. Every student shall maintain a high standard of discipline inside as well as outside the school.
  • Students should take care of their personal belongings. The school authorities do not accept any responsibility of loss books, clothes, money, tiffin carrires and etc.
  • Exchange of articles or money transactions between students are not allowed.
  • Pupils are expected to keep the school premises clean and should not destroy any plants or flowers or litter up the places.Dustbins are provided for use.
  • Pupils should bring to thr class all necessaey text books and note books according to the time table.
  • Presents to teachers or other demonstrations in their honour are not allowed in the school without proper permission from the school.
  • The school reserves right to dismiss a student who is irrgrular in attendance,whose progress in studies is steadily unsatisfactory or whose conduct in the school or outside is harmful to other students or whose guardians show little interest in the progress of their ward.
  • Discourtesy and disrespect to the members of the school in any form will be viewed seriously and students responsible for such misbehaviours are liable to be dismissed.
  • Students are allowed to bring textbooks and notebooks according to time table. Extra PT shoes, tuition books, or any other items found in the school bag will not be returned to students. Weightage of the school bag is serious concern of the school management.

Parent’s Responsibility

  • Parents are earnestly requested to co-operate with the school. They should insist on their child’s regular attendance at school and punctuality. They must help them to do their homework and prepare their lessons daily. 
  • Remarks given in the diary should be seen and countersigned regularly.
  • Parents/guardians are not allowed to enter the classroom. Criticism of students, teachers of the school in the presence of children should be avoided. It will help your child to make a healthy relationship with the school environment. Parents having any complaints may bring to the principal, not to the teachers directly.
  • Parents are not allowed to threaten any teacher at their home-related to school affairs.
  • The fees payment and other business will not be transacted on holidays and at the residence of the office bearers of the school.
  • Visit the students and teachers during class hours is strictly forbidden. Permission has to be taken from the principal in unavoidable cases.
  • Parents are invited to establish memorial scholarships, thus perpetuating the memory of a cherished one as well as helping in the education of someone who is not able to enjoy this kind of education that their child is having.
  • Parents are requested to meet the teacher in connection with the child’s performance from 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. In the case of examinations or holidays, the meeting will not be held.