Examinations And Promotions

  • The system of periodic tests and terminal examinations are followed to evaluate the teaching and learning process. Progress reports are issued to students at the end of terminal examinations.
  • Promotions are made after the annual examination based oh his/her overall performance throughout the year.
  • Minimum of 50% in each subject is necessary for the promotion to the next class.
  • Attendance in all examinations is compulsory.If any student who absents himself/herself from any examination shall be awarded zero for the same.Exception shall be granted only on medical grounds which shall be granted only on medical grounds which shall be certified by a registered practitioner.
  • Results declared at the end of the year is final in all the cases and will not be reconsidered,nor will the answer papers will be shown.
  • Promotion once refused will not be re-considered under any circumstances.
  • No examination will take place either before or after the scheduled exam.
  • Once any student is dismissed will not be re-admitted in the school.